Remote Learning

In September 2021, all our classes returned to full-time education following periods of Covid-19 school closure. Although we hope that the majority of our children will now have an uninterrupted experience, there is still the distinct possibility that an individual child, a class, or indeed the whole school, will need to self-isolate for a period of time. We have therefore put in place a plan for remote learning so that all children can continue with their education. This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’

If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children. This support includes the loan of DfE provided laptops and school owned tablets, applying for help with mobile data and the provision of paper packs of learning alongside practical resources such as paper and pens. Mrs Young ( (Executive Headteacher), Mrs Briers (Acting Head of School ) and Mrs Conant (Inclusion Leader) oversee remote education provision at all levels including being the first port of call for parents with support in accessing remote learning.  

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